Salary negotiation: 9 tips you need to know

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Alice Murray - Independent Jobs

Many people feel uncomfortable negotiating their salary. They stammer when people ask them about their expectations, they apologise when asking for more money and worst still, they accept the first offer that is given to them.

The reality is that negotiating your salary is not rude. Sure it might be a little awkward but it’s also completely necessary and expected. Any employer worth their salt will be open to an honest and frank discussion.

So, how do start the conversation? Simply follow the six tips below.

Do your research

Ideally, the job you are applying for will have a salary band in the job description that will give you some clues if not, you’re going to need to do some detective work.

Research similar roles on Jobbio, Glassdoor and other websites. Remember to factor in your previous experience and current skills. Don’t undervalue your talents.

Choose the right time

Finding the right time can be tricky. Ideally, you should always wait until you have a written job offer in your hand. This puts you in a better negotiating position because you already know that the employer wants you to join their team. You’re their number one candidate and this is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal.

Put your number out there first

Contrary to popular opinion, you should be the first person to state your expected salary. The first number put on the table is the most important in any negotiation. All other offers will be based on this original number. If it is too low you might end up with a wage that you are not happy with.

Aim for the top end

In a similar vein, you should always ask for more than you actually want. Your hiring manager will then feel like they are getting a better deal if they manage to negotiate you down. Never worry about asking for too much. What’s the worst that could happen?

Always give them a specific number

You should never use the word “between” when negotiating your salary. For example, do not say “I’m looking for between €30,000 and €35,000. Instead, say “I would like €35,000.” When you give a salary range the person you’re negotiating with will automatically presume that you will be willing to accept an offer at the lower end of the scale.

Do it in person

If you can, avoid negotiating your salary over the phone or via email. It might seem easier than having to talk to a potential employer face-to-face but you are more likely to get the offer you want if you meet them in person. Dress appropriately, stand up straight and walk into the room with confidence. All these things will help put you at ease and provide you with the courage to ask for what you really want.

Focus on the value you bring to the table

Your new employer doesn’t care about how much your rent costs or how expensive your childcare is. When you’re negotiating your salary you need to focus on the value that you will bring to the organisation, not your own personal needs. Talk about your skills and expertise. Tell them about your plans for the role. Get them excited about the prospect of you joining the team.

Give yourself time to consider the offer

If the hiring manager makes you a counter offer you do not have to answer straight away. Sometimes stalling could be in your favour. Once an offer has been made never say ”OK” or ”Yes”, Instead, say ”Thank you” or ”I appreciate the offer.” Give them a date that you will get back to them by. This transparency is important.

Remember that money isn’t everything

Sure, it’s important but money isn’t everything. Before accepting or rejecting a job offer examine the role in detail. Will you be learning new things and challenging yourself? Will you have access to a great mentor? Is there plenty of opportunity for growth? If the answer is no, a high salary might not be worth it in the end.

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