Note from the Editor
50 a day keeps the doctor away!
50 a day keeps the doctor away!



I am pleased to welcome you to the first 2020 issue of our Health Ezine where I hope you'll pick up a few tips that make a difference to your health and wellbeing.  


This month we take a look at ways to boost your immune system, that sweet tooth addiction, (I'm guilty of this one) beating those winter blues and staying flexible, our wee ten minute squat workout in the mornings are great and always more fun with friends! sometimes turns into a bit of a therapy session!  and did you know the best time to exercise is before breakfast! so rise and shine! then fuel up with the  delicious porridge recipe at top of page.  Nearly forgot about the new craze...Is Fish-Free February set to become the new Veganuary?



Enjoy your wee gift, cold and flu season in full swing! 


Thanks for reading!        



Natural Born Killer!

With Coronavirus a hot topic we take a look at How can you boost your immune system? as it is essential in protecting our bodies from bacteria, viruses, parasites and more...worms! 


This vast network of cells and tissues is constantly on the lookout for invading pathogens, and once an enemy is spotted, a complex attack is mounted!  The immune system is spread throughout the body and it can distinguish our tissue from foreign tissue! and even recognise and clear away faulty cells!


Your lifestyle can affect how well your immune system works, did you know that consuming too much sugar curbs immune system cells  and the effect lasts for hours after downing a couple of sugary drinks.  Replacing bad health habits with good ones can help keep your immune system healthy, but no single food contains all the nutrients for a healthy immune system so incorporate a variety of fresh, colourful foods into your diet for maximum benefit:  Check out Immune System Busters and Boosters!


How does your immune system work? - Emma Bryce





The Immune System Explained I ? Bacteria Infection

Office Eating Antics!

Eating 9 - 5, what a way to make a living...  

Most of us have been there… Oh yeah, sharing in the office treats, snacking at our desks, feeling the 4pm slump, sound familiar? The culture of 'food as a treat' has really infiltrated our workplaces and sweet food is often offered as an expression of love but there is a difference between a snack and a treat! 

Even when we’re trying to make healthy choices, co-workers can put the pressure on to ‘join in’- ‘go on, one won’t hurt you!’ - and there can even be a subtle feeling of rejection in the air if we hold our ground and say ‘no’.  So are you eating too much sugar... Take the Quiz!  We take a look at the psychological reasons behind sugar cravings, in an effort to help you master sugary snacks and cravings are rarely about hunger!  Have a look at 7 Stop Hunger Foods

And did you know that sugar has a drug like effect in the reward section of the brain!

Take a look at Healthy swaps

What Does Sugar Actually Do To Your Body?


Feeling Blue!

Winter depression, or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is related to change in the seasons and it is estimated to affect one in 15 people in Ireland and it roughly begins at the same time each year,  usually beginning of Autumn and as sunlight decreases, symptoms tend to get worse and women are four times more likely to be affected than men but Could Your Winter Blues Be Something More Serious? than just mourning the end of summer and being a bit glum -  symptoms of SAD include:-

  • low energy
  • sleep more frequently
  • low self-esteem
  • weight gain

Constant dullness can really suck the motivation out of you to get anything done and working in an office for hours each day does you no good!, so a walk either in the morning or at lunch can work wonders for your mood so instead of eating your way through winter, improve your lifestyle, even small changes like opening your blinds fully at home to get more natural light or you could chase the light (holiday in sun would be nice!) but a Light Therapy Lamp  could do the trick, literally tricking your mind into thinking it is bright also:- 

  • eat more vegetables
  • exercise outdoors
  • be sociable
  • make plans for spring
  • Declutter


Easy Ways to Beat The Winter Blues


And don't forget to find humour in everyday life and laugh!




Use It Or Lose It!


Can you touch your toes or do you find your fingers reach only as far as your knees? Flexibility declines sharply with age and the natural suppleness of youth will quickly disappear if efforts aren’t made to preserve it. The effects can be profound — as we move less freely, we risk injury and our posture deteriorates so use it or lose it!


Ageing takes its toll on our flexibility and, after 40, our body’s connective tissue — skin, tendons and ligaments — becomes less elastic and more prone to snapping.  And I'm sorry but 40 is not the new 30 when it comes to your body and it leads to the same 50, 60, 70... but there's no reason to feel unhealthy whatever your age - try making some lifestyle changes and Future Proof Your Body!


Just 30 minutes of exercise a day should help you offset osteoporosis, hold on to muscle mass, maintain your natural range of motion and  avoid joint pain - no zero to splits in a week! 


Try some stretches after walking and always stretch after a workout!


10 Minute Daily Mobility Workout


And Finally - News You Can Use!

Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more -Time to Talk Day is Thursday 6th February check out Every Mind Matters Quiz which provides you with an individual mind plan.


And apparently, the best time to exercise is before breakfast because Exercising Before Breakfast Burns Double The Amount Of Fat so wake up and go go 


Are you suffering from nomophobia (no-mobile-phone-phobia)?  If so, have a look at 20 Things You Should Do Instead of Reaching For Your Smartphone During Downtime!


Also Awareness Days in February includesNational Sickie Day!!! According to national statistics the first Monday in February is the day when people are most likely to pull a sickie.


One of the factors attributed to this is the first payday since Christmas!, meaning people have been out celebrating all weekend, just saying!!!  and here are 7 Distinctly Irish Excuses For Calling In Sick!  




Ohh, Ohh nearly forgot... Happy Valentines Day your old romantics!  




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